The 20th century is full of changes. It has only a few years to go. Mankind will soon enter the promising 21st century. It is at this turn of centuries, that the government leaders from all parts of the world are gathered here for this commemoration. In our time, the widely representative and authoritative inter-governmental organization is the United Nations. And it is now its 50th anniversary. The commemoration is therefore all the more significant. We can use this occasion to stand on a higher plane in both retrospection and prospection, and to discuss how to fulfill the great missions of the United Nations.
The 20th century, a century full of vicissitudes, will come to its end in a few years, and then mankind will enter the 21st century, a century full of promises. At this turn of centuries, we are gathered here from all parts of the world to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the United Nations --the widely representative and authoritative inter-governmental organization of our age, which should be of great significance. We can use this opportunity to ascend to a higher standpoint in both retrospection and prospection, and to discuss the means by which to carry out the lofty missions of United Nations.
In a few years time, mankind will bid farewell to the 20th century, a century full of vicissitudes, and enter the 21st century, a century full of promises. At this turn of centuries, it is of great significance that we are gathered here from all corners of the world to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the United Nations - the widely representative and authoritative inter-governmental organization of our age. We can use this opportunity to take a look at the past and the future from a higher plane and share our views on how to turn the lofty missions of the United Nations into reality.
其次,时差的不同也导致了不同的翻译技巧:译文1跟得很紧,其切入时间是译员听到第一个逗号所表示的听断之前,所以就把“饱经沧桑的21世纪”,“仅剩下几个春秋”以及后面的主句都分别译成了单独的句子。译文2的切入时间是在第一个逗号所表示的停顿之后,所以使用了“and then”连接下文,译出了一个并列句。如果译文3也是即兴同传,那么其切入时间应该是在听完整句或接近句末的位置,因此才有可能提出“mankind”做主语,把整句译成较复杂的主从句。同样,在翻译进行到第二句时译文1由于仍然步步紧跟,所以用“It is …that…”为下文提供一个便于操作的框架,用“In our time…,”翻译“contemporary”,用名词“commemoration”翻译动词“纪念”并重复使用这个词。其中断句技巧得到了充分的发挥,可以体现一种果断而灵活的风格。译文2由于没有那么快地断句,所以使用了不同的手法:先根据语境(此次大会的主题)通过预测技巧译出“the 50th anniversary of the United Nations”, 等听到下文“…是很有意义的”后又根据这一新变化使用了“which”引导的从句这样的追加、补充技巧。至于第三种译法,从其文句组织结构上看,我们完全可以肯定,这是译员事先已经拿到的已经成文的译文。这种译文虽然可以根据会议以同声传译的方式(根据讲话人的语速和风格)读出,但与一般人们想象的即席同声传译完全是两回事。因为,在即兴同声传译实践中,如果译员不是记忆力超凡,预测能力出众,心理素质极佳的特殊天才,保持这么大的时差实在很难保证一直能跟得上。万一出现一连串有关联合国实绩方面的具体统计数字、地名、人名等特殊情况,也实在很难确保不出现疏漏。
The United Nations, through the collective efforts of its members, and with its aim to mitigate regional conflicts, eradicate colonialism, expedite arms reduction and promote world peace, cooperation and development, has done a great deal of constructive work and made positive contributions.
By relying on the concerted efforts of its members, the United Nations has done much useful work in and contributed positively to mitigating regional conflicts, eradicating colonialism, expediting arms reduction and promoting world peace, co-operation and development.
比较分析这两段译文,我们同样可以发现时差的不同对译文文体的影响:译文1跟得很紧,因此采用插入介词短语“… through the collective efforts of its members, and with its aim to…”的办法边翻译边听下文中将要出现的谓语部分,而译文2则直接译 出了“…has done much useful work in…”,说明译员听完全句后才开始翻译,或者对讲稿内容十分了解,知道后文内容,或者预测能力很强。